Today couples have many choices when shopping for wedding bands. Centuries ago wedding bands were made of a variety of available materials, including wood and bone. Wedding rings have even been fashioned from twigs and plant stems. The Egyptians did this, frequently creating new rings when the old ones broke off. The Egyptians are also credited with selecting the circular shape of the wedding band to illustrate the idea of never ending love. Later societies, such as the Romans, took this meaning and added the idea of the ring being used to claim ownership of its female wearer by her husband.
Pope Nicholas I is recognized as starting the trend of gold wedding bands in 860 AD. He was striving to impress the seriousness of marriage on society. Couples shopping for wedding bands today have many styles and choices when it comes to selecting their rings. In addition to yellow or white gold bands, they can select mixed colored bands of yellow and white gold, as well as bands inset with diamonds or other gemstones. Another option is an eternity band, which has diamonds all around the band.
For years only women wore wedding bands. During World War II men began to more regularly wear wedding bands. Soldiers in the war wore the rings to remind themselves of their wives waiting for them. The trend strengthened during the next war, the Korean War. It is extremely common for men to wear a wedding band today, regardless of whether they have served in the military.
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